The Finance Council, established according to Canon Law, is an advisory body to the Pastor in matters pertaining to the Ordinary and Extraordinary aspects of financial administration. The Finance Council collaborates with the Pastoral Council and the parish staff. The relationship of the Council and the Pastor is both supportive and collaborative.
Joint Finance Council Members:
Fr. Tim
Ann Marie Pate
Bradley Steininger
Ed Valenzuela
Kathy Dierks
Zachary Weitl
David Schreck
Ted Geisler
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body, responsible for formulating broad goals and directions for the parish and making recommendations to the Pastor. The members are volunteers selected by the Pastor. The purpose of the Council is to promote the spiritual growth of the parish community and to plan ways for the parish to carry out the mission of the Church. Each member of the parish council brings to the council particular interests and skills.
Parish Council Members:
Fr. Tim Gaines
Scot Szatkowski
Julia Winka
Lyle Dierks
Jill Tjaden
Tim Canty
Karen Haggett