Eucharistic Ministers of the Holy Eucharist
and Lectors
Contact: Lynette Steininger - Our Lady of the Pines
Phone: 303-838-0338
Eucharistic Minister
The communion rite is the heart and center of the Eucharistic liturgy. As we gather around the Lord's table to receive the one bread and drink from a shared cup, we recognize each other as sisters and brothers bound together by the love of Jesus Christ. Extraordinary Ministers assist the priest and deacons at Mass with distribution of the Body and Blood of Our Lord. They may also bring Holy Communion to the sick or homebound. They are required to go through a training class prior to serving and are then mandated by the Bishop.
Catholicism (Latin Rite) in the Lartin Rite of the Catholic Church, the term "lector" or "reader" can mean someone who in a particular liturgy is assigned to read a Biblical text other than the Gospel. A lector is comeone who proclaimes the first and second reading during Catholic Mass.
For more information in order to participate in either one of these ministries you will need to be trained, please contact Lynette Steininger at
To participate in these ministries please click here.
Altar Servers
Contact: - Lawrence Sinco - Our Lady of the Pines
Phone: 303-838-0338
This ministry trains children and adults to become altar servers. Minimum requirements are that the altar server must have received First Communion and have a willingness to serve. Typical basic training requires about 30 minutes after mass. The schedule is updated every two months. Each server can expect to serve 1-2 times per month.
To volunteer for this ministry, click here.
Contact: Doug Sandusky for Our Lady of the Pines
Phone: 303-941-5845
Contact: Judy Gohring for St. Elizabeth in Buffalo Creek
Phone: 303-838-5345
A ministry for instrumentalists, choirs, leaders of song and cantors combine these talents to provide music for liturgical celebrations. Choir practice is 7pm on Wednesdays in the Church.
To volunteer for this ministry, click here.
Contact: Andy Hitzges
Phone: 303-838-0338
Sacristans assist the priest and deacons in preparing for the celebration of the Eucharist, by setting up the sacred vessels and verifying the presence of all liturgical ministers. They are also required to be on time, organized, and have a love for the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharist. They serve at Mass at least once a month.
To volunteer for this ministry, click here.
Contact: Tom Oliver
Phone: 303-838-0338
The ushers serve the assembly in its needs, assisting in the collection process, the gift bearers, communion and distribution of bulletins and hymnals.
To volunteer for this ministry, click here.
Arts & Environment
Contact: Debbie Kotas
Phone: 303-838-0338
To enhance the beauty of the worship environment by creating an atmosphere that heightens the awareness of the presence and mystery of God. This includes planning art forms, environmental settings and atmosphere to be created for each liturgical season and the liturgical year.
To volunteer for this ministry, click here.
Altar Linens
Contact: Andy Hitzges
Phone: 303-838-0338
To maintain a clean supply of linens used during Mass & other liturgical services.
To volunteer for this ministry, click here.
Eucharistic Adoration
Our Lady of the Pines
1st & 3rd Monday at 6 pm
Friday's after the 8:30 am Mass
Every Friday during lent
Sung Rosary at 6 pm on the first Monday of the month
St. Elizabeth
Every Wednesday after the 6 pm Mass