Knights of Columbus
Contact: Greg Bishop, Grand Knight
Phone: (720) 394-5667
Knights of Columbus
Wally Kullman Council 14479
About the Knights of Columbus
Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners. Their intent was to bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled, and needy members and their families.
Just as they responded to the forces of secularism and prejudice in the past, Knights have stood by their bishops and have witnessed to the importance of religion and religious liberty for society. As the cause for canonization of Venerable Michael McGivney moves forward, so too do his Knights, seeking to build a civilization of love.
In the past decade, the Order has continued to build upon its rich tradition of charitable work and spiritual formation. Various new charitable initiatives, as well as ongoing partnerships with organizations such as Special Olympics, have given Knights countless opportunities to practice what John Paul II called “a charity which evangelizes.” Organizing increased outreach to pregnancy resource centers, providing greater spiritual support for men and women in the military and playing a significant role in World Youth Days are just some of the many ways that the Order has worked in recent years to promote a true culture of life.
Wally Kullman Council # 14479
This Council was established March 14, 2008 at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church, Conifer, Colorado. For many years we have been a very successful council in terms of the national Knights of Columbus agenda. This council’s membership strives to uphold the Knights of Columbus pillars while fulfilling the needs of OLP and her Pastor as a priority. We strive to bring our faith into all programs and activities. Knights of this council also participate in activities and events in the local, state and national communities in order to bring Catholic principals to light and provide support to those in need. We are motivated by our faith in Christ and his Church. We support with gifts of money or other items local seminarians and deacons in formation to assist those who will serve the Catholic community.
At OLP Church in support of our pastor we work throughout the entire year in many different capacities – laborers, handymen, cooks and servers, teachers, musicians, advocates of our faith and beliefs – to help where we are needed. Some of our efforts are to provide communal meals for parishioners and the local community in an inviting, social setting to build a sense of belonging and to develop new and deeper friendships. We work with our Pastor in his efforts to clean, improve buildings and grounds, and provide amenities that improve OLP Church to make it a welcoming, safe facility. We assist our Pastor with Church Masses and events such as the annual parish picnic or Las Posadas at Christmas.
At local, state, and national levels we perform fundraising such as our annual collection for People with Intellectual Disabilities Drive (PID Drive or Tootsie Roll Drive as it is known). The money collected goes directly to the classrooms of local schools and other organizations who work with the disabled. We contribute to disaster relief drives for tornadoes, hurricanes, and pandemics providing money for immediate medical aid needs, food, or rebuilding materials. Fundraising at council or OLP Church events has enabled purchase of an ultrasound machine for a woman’s health center in Colorado to protect the unborn, to provide wheelchairs, and to support sick or widowed parishioners.
Knights participate in many ways supporting OLP Church and the surrounding community. Some Knights choose to work with groups of people at group events. Other members find special projects that they do on their own. Some lead our parishioners to do great things such as participating in the March for Life or other state-wide activities to demonstrate Catholic beliefs and causes for helping those in need who cannot help themselves. Some members spend a great deal of time collecting food, clothing, or other items for the needy and less fortunate. You will find Knights at work at Masses serving as Readers, Sacristans, Communion Ministers, or Hospitality Ministers. There are many ways to be an active, contributing Knight. Tailor your way to contribute to our Church and community by working through the Knights of Columbus.
Some members have more skills in specific areas. Although they can do much as individuals, working with other Council members greater things are accomplished. Whatever your level of talent, whatever you desire to accomplish, there is a place for you in the council. We use leaders and followers. We need your ideas and your ambition to improve the world and spread our Catholic faith.
Qualification to be a Knight requires two simple things. First, an applicant must be at least 18 years of age on his last birthday. Second, an eligible applicant must be a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See. A practical Catholic is a person who accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accordance with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing with the Catholic Church. A practical Catholic strives to have greater knowledge of the teaching of Christ and his Church, and to accept, respect, and defend the Church’s authority (vested in the Supreme Pontiff, the hierarchy and clergy united with him) to teach, govern, and sanctify the faithful. A practical Catholic gives material and moral support to the Church and her works on all levels, promoting the programs of the parish and diocese and coming to the aid of the missions, the needy and the underprivileged; supports and advances the just causes of minority groups; endeavors to eliminate unjust discrimination, prejudice, etc.; and supports the Church in her defense of marriage and family life.
If you feel you have these qualities, please contact council Membership Director. The information is on the front page of the Church Bulletin. You may also call the OLP Church office for contact information to the Council’s Membership Director. Are you still undecided? You may also find it worthwhile to review more information about the Knights of Columbus at . Once you are ready to join, you may join using the online process provided on that website. Your application will then be directed to our local council for enrollment with us. Someone will contact you to invite you to our local council meetings and activities.
If you still are not sure about becoming a Knight, please contact any member. There are always Knights at Masses and other Church activities or you may already know someone in the OLP community. We will gladly share more about what this council does for our OLP Church and Pastor, our community, and our country. You may join us at any of our activities to meet members and to experience the satisfying feelings of contributing and camaraderie amongst the Knights.
Please join us in serving others and spreading our Catholic faith and beliefs!