To enhance our communication with our parish family, we are using a tool called flocknote. Now YOU can stay "in the know" by receiving emails and texts about upcoming parish events & activities. You can also select to receive emails and/or texts from various parish ministries that you are interested in such as "From the Pastor's Desk", "Respect Life", Family Catechesis", "OLP Youth Ministry" etc.
To sign up or login go to .
Thank you for connecting!
Healing from Separation and Divorce Program starting in September
Topics include grief, forgiveness, annulments and more
Light of the World Parish, Littleton - Starting Sept 18 at 6:30-8pm 19 weeks Register with Colleen Schneckenburger at
St Mary Parish, Littleton - Starting Sept 9 at 7-8:30pm, 12
weeks register with Cheryl Cummins at (303) 523-7708
Registration now open! The 8th Annual Catholic Women's Conference of Denver - themed “For It Is By Grace” (Eph 2:8) - will be held Sat., Sept. 28th at the DCSD Legacy Campus in Lone Tree. This year's keynote speaker is Carrie Gress, author of The Anti-Mary Exposed and the popular Theology of Home book series. Join us for this one-day retreat featuring inspired speakers, Mass, confession, and Eucharistic adoration, along with live shopping amidst a host of popular Catholic Christian vendors.
Visit to register or for more details.
Questions? Email
Coming Events
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Elizabeth, September 4th, 6:30 pm
Our Lady of the Pines, September 6th, after 8:30 pm Mass
Anointing of the Sick at 8:30 Mass
Theology of the Body Book Study
Thursday, September 5th, 6:30 pm
September 8th - Parish Book Study
Behold, Believe, Become parish book study, Sunday - at 10:30 am
September 9th - Monday
Sung Rosary and Adoration
September 18th - Wednesday
Core Electric Annual Member Engagement Luncheon
At Our Lady of the Pines - Parish Hall - All are Invited
Theology of the Body Book Study
Thursday, September 19th, 6:30 pm
Will resume in October 15th
The Tuesday morning women's book club meet every Tuesday from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Please consider joining us for great conversation and good spiritual reading. Just show up on any Tuesday in the parish hall or call the office if you have questions.
Have you thought about becoming a Catholic? Do you want to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist? Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?
Then, welcome to OCIA! The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) includes prayer and instructions for those who desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church and for those baptized Catholics who wish to complete their Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and Eucharist). It is a process that will take place over several months and we want to accompany you on this journey! Contact us so we can help you take your first steps to joining the beauty that is the Catholic Church. Contac Deacon George or Deacon Rich after Mass, or contact us at or call 303-838-0338.
All families with children ages 5 through 14 are invited to join our “Family of Faith” Religious Education program. The vision for this program is strong Catholic families in which children learn through their parents the joys and truths of their faith.
Registration fee ($50) includes both core content catechesis & sacramental preparation.
For more information about the Family of Faith program and/or sacramental prep, please click here.
Our Lady of the Pines is now registered at, where Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to selected charities.
We are spreading the word so we can generate donations for Our Lady of the Pines when you shop. Instead of going to for your purchases, log onto and right under the search bar you will see Supporting with a drop down list for you to select the charity you support. Please select Our Lady of the Pines in Conifer, CO.
Then all you need to do is shop from and 0.5% of your purchase will be donated to OLP. We thank you for your support!
Grocery Cards
The only reloadable cards for sale will be Safeway. King Sooper grocery cards are no longer reloadable, you must enroll in the King Soopers or City Market Community Rewards Program (see above).
If you would like to volunteer to sell grocery cards please contact the Parish Office at 303-838-0338
Baptismal Preparation
For the convenience of those families that have babies and busy work schedules, etc., the Baptismal Prep classes will now be available by appointment, please call Fr. Tim and set up a time that works for you, your family, and for the God Parents as well. Or call the Parish Office 303-838-0338.